At Rocca delle Macìe, cinema and wine are inseparable. Italo Zingarelli has given Italians numerous successful films, including "They Call Me Trinity...", "...Trinity is Still My Name", "All The Way Boys", and "I’m For the Hippopotamus", as well as internationally successful co-productions such as "We All Loved Each Other So Much". Italo distributed about 80 films during his career, which are still present in markets all over the world. The Rocca delle Macìe "Cinema" has a notable and important library and is an international point of reference for Italian cinematography.

to Italo Zingarelli

For the 50th anniversary of the release of “They Call Me Trinity” the Zingarelli family opens this gallery dedicated to Italo Zingarelli, an innovative film producer who, in December 1970, brought to life the extraordinary match of two great and beloved actors – Terence Hill and Bud Spencer – in what would become one of the greatest ever successes of Italian cinema. In 1970 Italo took a brave gamble on an original and creative brainchild of director Enzo Barboni: an innovative western film that was good-hearted rather than violent. Perhaps influenced by Zingarelli’s past as a boxer, bullets were replaced by punches in what was to become a cult film worldwide, “They Call Me Trinity”. This is where the two heroes join the story: again, it was Italo who insisted on having two young but established actors as the stars of the film, Mario Girotti and Carlo Pedersoli, creating the legendary Spencer/Hill duo and paving the way for their global fame. After Trinity’s record-breaking box office success, Zingarelli produced and made more films with Bud and Terence, in recognition of the pair’s potential to cross over into other genres.

“A match that has left their mark on the history of Italian cinema, thanks to the foresight of our father, Italo,” explain his children Fabio, Sandra and Sergio “who was able to read into those scripts the desire to resurface and start over with strength and light-heartedness, at a time when Italy was experiencing its first significant economic and social struggles”.
La Galleria – che include in esposizione cimeli dei set, foto di scena inedite, documenti, props di scena – è a completo godimento e fruizione, come una movie destination nel cuore del Chianti Classico, per le migliaia di fan, ancora attivi e partecipi in tutto il mondo.
Designed by: Studio Officina Grafica of Florence
Although we didn’t have the pleasure of meeting Italo Zingarelli in person, we are privileged to have worked with his children and grandchildren for over a decade. “Trinità 50” has made it possible to immerse ourselves in the extraordinary world of the ‘Trinity’ films, whose wonderful dialogues, hilarious facial expressions and entertaining punch-ups we know by heart. Our sincere thanks to the Zingarelli family and especially Fabio, Sandra and Sergio. Tommaso e Vincenzo.

Always open, free entry.


“Un uomo con una parola sola.”
This is how Italo liked to define himself, with a career of 40 years in Cinema and 30 in Wine. A generous man, lover of life, and endowed with great intuition.


“Ma a che stiamo giocando? Al Lotto? No, al botto Ciccio perdona… io no!” He enjoys himself with Franco and Ciccio, “sings” with Little Tony, and starts to make a name for himself in the film industry. At just 28 years old, he produces his first film.


“Sto con la Rivoluzione! Un esercito di cinque uomini!”
From Film Producer to Director… Over 50 productions and 3 directorial works. A career propelled by his foresight as well.


“Emiliano non tradisce, gringo. Emiliano dice tutto, gringo!”
“They Call Him Trinity.” The consecration of the Bud Spencer and Terence Hill “blend”, one of the greatest successes of Italian cinema.


“Se tu sei sveglio, io non dormo, fratello!”

“They Continued to Call Him Trinity…” the biggest success, the absolute box office champion in the 1971-1972 season, still fills Italian homes and beyond today.



“Dispari. Tu c’hai le dita truccate.” Più forte ragazzi
“Una colonna era la mia” Italo after the demolition of the Cannes Casino, the living room of the “Mondo del Cinema” of the 1970s.


The creation of Rocca delle Macìe in Chianti Classico.
From Cinema to the World of Wine, a dream come true! It’s the beginning of that endless story that binds the art of winemaking to human life.


“C’eravamo tanto amati”
The co-production of a major international cult classic.


“Quanto volete? Almeno il doppio. Io sto con gli Ippopotami.”
The last great project that Italo personally experienced as a producer and director.

After the Cinema, the Wine. An intertwining of films, Family and Passion.



